Thursday, May 24, 2012

Girl Criteria

I’ve used “she’s not my type” all too often as an excuse why a prospective girl isn’t an option.  It’s a convenient answer that isn’t questioned too often.  With all this time on my hands, I got to thinking, what is my type?  Here’s a list of top 10 criteria I came up.  More or less, it’s in order of most important.  Certainly this isn’t a steadfast list and exceptions can always be made.  At the risk of offending females to which any of these apply, here’s the list.

1.        Non-smoker:  It’s a disgusting habit.  Who wants to kiss an ashtray or have everything around them smell like smoke?

2.       No kids:  No matter what, you’re always going to be competing for 2nd place in her heart.  Call me selfish but I don’t want to put that much time into a kid that isn’t mine.  I’ve made responsible decisions this far because I’m not ready to be a dad yet.

3.       Likes sports:  Sports are the biggest part of my life.  Even if she doesn’t play any, she should be willing to watch sports and tolerate my frequent viewings.  If she plays, that’s a big plus.

4.       Can engage in playful banter:  I want to be challenged intellectually.  Me being a Sox fan, I would derive great pleasure from dating a Cubs fan and giving each other a hard time.  Sox girls are certainly OK too J.

5.       Independent:  I’ve never been accused of being overly attached to anyone.  I won’t guarantee the right girl couldn’t bring out those feelings but I generally ease into things.  I like my space.  There’s times when I should be able to do my things and she hers.  If she’s expecting a call every day when we start dating, she’s probably not for me. 

6.       Laid back:  I’m pretty laissez-faire when it comes to things.  For better or worse, I’m not a take charge guy.  If she gets upset when things don’t go exactly to plan, she’s wound a little too tight for my liking.  I’m always perpetually late; “Younker time” is something she’ll have to accept.

7.       Not a “party” girl:  Parties and the bar scene aren’t really my thing.  Occasional bar visits are acceptable but if she’s getting drunk every night, I don’t think her priorities are straight.

8.       Financially responsible:  Couples can only save as well as their weakest link.  If she’s in a ton of debt, guess who she may be coming to for aid?  Handling your finances is a good indicator of maturity.

9.       Close to her family:  If she gets along well with her family, she’s more likely to appreciate what a good family means.  I’m still at home so clearly my relationship with my family is strong.  I’d want her to have the approval of my family and vice versa.

10.   Not materialistic:  I’m not a big gift giver.  I just think there’s other way to show someone you care.  If she gets easily offended if her man doesn’t buy her things, I’ll save us both some time.  Relationships are investments of many other things.  Money shouldn’t be one of them.  I’ve seen too many guys blow a lot of money of a girl just to break up.  Maybe that’s part of the game but it just seems like a waste.


  1. I thoroughly enjoy reading what you post. And if I am going to be honest, it is because I have agreed with every single thing you have thrown out there thus far in a creepy "are you reading my thoughts" kind of way. I think we might be twins that look nothing alike and were born to different parents on different days. I will say though, while I hate to admit it, there is something to be said for having a partner that can get somewhere on time. It would be fun to be with someone else that just doesn't care and might actually enjoy being "fashionably late," but, logically and responsibly speaking, it might not be ideal. The only way they are going to get through to us is probably by not always being ok with being so laid back that we are late for everything. I hope my husband never finds out that I actually admitted that. Anyway, I like the blog and the blatant honesty about who you are and what you want. That's the easiest way to get it. A person that is compatible and fits what you have described will know well enough to respond accordingly. I applaud your well thought out criteria and also your self analyzation. As long as the person you find is honest, you will have a much more harmonious life than most. Of course, you know that. s.

  2. Thank you, random person. If I can entertain just one person...then it's only 9 short of my goal. Eh, who am I kidding? It's about 100 short.
